I think before i start this blog i should apologise to any of my ex followers of this blog. I have just not been either to others blogs, or done new ones of my own, i just dont seem to have either the time or sometimes the inclination.Last week we were very bored so into the car and off across Dartmoor we went.
This picture was taken from the roadside approaching HoundTor.
Apologies for poor pictures but very poor light levels didn't help.
Do click on any picture to enlarge it.

This picture below shows the next pit stop with Sue making the Tea in the back of the Car.This picture was taken part way up a large rocky outcrop which we intend climbing soon.

This picture below show taken from the same position only at a different angle.

One of high Dartmoors many narrow road bridges.

At this point the River doesn't look too high.

This picture (Below) is following the river downstream, levels quite high here.

This is normally a quiet stretch of water.

This last picture shows Buckland church just peeping through.

Joke of the day.
A middle-aged woman seemed very sheepish as she visited her gynecologist.
'Come now,' coaxed the doctor,
'you've been seeing me for years. There's nothing you can't tell me.'
'This one's kind of strange...'
'Let me be the judge of that, The doctor replied.
'Well,' she said, 'yesterday I went to the bathroom in the morning and heard a plink-plink-plink in the toilet and when I looked down, the water was full of pennies.'
'I see.'
'That afternoon I went to the bathroom again and, plink-plink-plink, there were some 2p's in the bowl.'
'That night,' she went on, 'I went again, Plink-plink-plink, and there were 5p's and this morning there were 10p's
You've got to tell me what's wrong with me!' she implored.
'I'm scared out of my wits!'
The gynaecologist put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
'There, there now, it's nothing to be scared about.
(Ready for this?)
(I'm warning you.....)
(Still not too late....delete now!)
'You're simply going through the change!
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