Location: Teignmouth, Devon, United Kingdom

I'm married with two grown up children and four grandchildren, My wife of 47 years is Sue and we are the same age. My two children are Pamela (blogging occasionly under and Roy,who was recently Paralysed from the waist down due to an Absys on his Spine. My 4 grandchildren are (oldest first) Gavin, Hayley, Thomas,and Zoe. Sue and I are both retired and we're disabled too, her with a badly Arthritic back and spine, me with lung (COPD) and Heart problems.I have always loved Fishing (all sorts) Sue started fishing with me about 8 years ago, now she really enjoys it too. We both love m'cycles and m'cycling, Sue owns and rides her own bike which is a Custom 1981 250 Honda.I own a 1979 Honda CX500. We are both members of this motorcycle club ( view or join our club on or see my blog post Dec 2007 blog "Getting old, never", of course we're badly resticted now due to our illness, only riding in really good weather.Just over three years ago we lost our best friend and Baby Mojo the border Collie, Gone but never forgotten. Please feel free to use any of our photo's but do let me know you have used them, thank you.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Back in time, "Morwellham Quay" part 1.

 Today's blog is all about the Famous "Morwellham Quay" The Quay is a famous Port, Mine and Heritage centre The George and Charlotte Copper mine is the last "Open" Copper mine in Britain that is open and accessible to the public, this is reachable via a small gauge Railway which follows the banks of Devon's river Tamar, then disappears deep into the mine itself.
The Copper Ore was sent from the mine by a small gauge railway, it meandered through the valley, then up on a piece of elevated track, eventually ending at the Quay, where it was loaded on ships and sent all over Europe.
Below, Traditional costume, which is worn by all staff.
Please click on any picture to enlarge it.

 This is the large Steel and Wooden water wheel which supplied both power for the mine, also the Oxygen too.
The Village, as it was then, was virtually self supporting, with Shop, Inn, Carpenter, Barrel Maker, Undertaker etc, it had to be that way as it lays in a deep valley several miles from the next Town. Below the "Blacksmith's" shed.
Miners had an extremely hard life working underground up for to 14 hours a day. Child labour was also extensively used, again with children working up to 12 hours a day, mainly deep in the mines where there small lithe bodies could squeeze through small holes etc.
If a miner's wife lost her husband, in order to keep the house going and feed her (sometimes large) family she would take in lodgers, usually workmen from the mines, she fed and washed there clothes too.
Below, the family room, notice the Guzzunder under the right hand bed.
Another one.
The tiny wood burning fireplace/Cooker was all they had to keep warm and cook on.
Below, Anyone  recognise the "Duny", just a hole in a plank with a bucket underneath, someone had to empty this at least once a day, usually in a hole dug in the garden.
This is the Lounge in the mine managers house, a bit more luxurious isn't it?
The big house "Master bedroom". Just imagine how much wood and work involved in keeping a fire going in every room.
This would have been the Masters study, notice the Piano/Organ on the far wall.

This is the Assayer's office. This would have been the place that lumps of rock would be brought to examine them to see if it contained enough Copper to continue mining that area.
No joke of the day today.


Blogger Xtreme English said...

Lovely photos, BBB! I was stumbling around in my old posts and found you'd visited but I'd never gotten back to you. So...we're both still alive, it seems! These are great pix of an old home. Enjoy the winter....

5:00 pm  
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