Today we were moving furniture around the spare bedroom prior to painting. When we slid out some drawers from the chest to make it lighter to move, we came across some of these pictures. All of them were done by Sue many years ago, the Flowery ones possibly 18- 22 years ago. when Sue gets bored she picks up her brushes and usually does small cartoony type Animal pictures but occasionally she does something different. These all spanned about 6 or 8 weeks when she decided to do flowers, then she moved back to her beloved Animals.
All these pictures were taken outside today in different light levels so all may get shadows etc.
This picture below is in oil and now dry and framed with glass, it is approx 14" x 10" ( or approx 350 x 250) i think, not good in foreign measures.
Please click on any picture to enlarge it.
This is one of her very old flower pictures its in oil again framed approx 12 x 8"(300 x 200). This is number 1 of the 3 that were in the bottom of the drawer.
This Rose below again 12" x 8" (300 X 200) and in oil.
One more in the flower series this is a Poppy, sue seems to think she did six of these, if she did goodness knows where the others are. Again in oil and obviously framed, again 12" x 8" (300 x 200).
Sue is gonna moan at me for posting this one, she gave up and never lacquered it, she said she just couldn't get it right so i framed it. Its a bigger one at 14 x 10 (350 x 250).
This picture below is a really early one, possibly her first ever Land Scape, could be 23-25 years ago. Again in oil and framed, dimensions a little larger 16" x 12" (400 x 350), I liked this one.
Again an early oil, first water she ever did, this one dated 1985 on the back. A bigger one again at 16" x 12". At this time she was just starting to enjoy painting seriously for a hobby. In 1985 I bought her some oil paints and a large Easel for her Christmas Present.

In the very near future I will post her most recent Animal Paintings which include a Lion, Elephants and Young, a Tiger, Dolphins and others.
Joke of the day.
Engineer students.
Two engineering students meet on campus one day. The first engineer calls out to the other, "Hey mate-- Nice bike! Where did you get it?"
"Well," replies the other, "I was walking to class the other day when this pretty, young student rides up on this bike. She jumps off, takes off all of her clothes, and says 'You can have ANYTHING you want!!' "
"Good choice," says the first, "her clothes wouldn't have fit you anyway
Gday Bob. Sue is a very talented lady, Love all the painting's.
If only I could draw hehehehe . Maybe a stick figure.
All the best.
The paintings are wonderful...especially like the one she didn't lacquer:) so glad you posted it.
These are delightful! You have a very talented wife.
ninest123 12.29
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