Location: Teignmouth, Devon, United Kingdom

I'm married with two grown up children and four grandchildren, My wife of 47 years is Sue and we are the same age. My two children are Pamela (blogging occasionly under and Roy,who was recently Paralysed from the waist down due to an Absys on his Spine. My 4 grandchildren are (oldest first) Gavin, Hayley, Thomas,and Zoe. Sue and I are both retired and we're disabled too, her with a badly Arthritic back and spine, me with lung (COPD) and Heart problems.I have always loved Fishing (all sorts) Sue started fishing with me about 8 years ago, now she really enjoys it too. We both love m'cycles and m'cycling, Sue owns and rides her own bike which is a Custom 1981 250 Honda.I own a 1979 Honda CX500. We are both members of this motorcycle club ( view or join our club on or see my blog post Dec 2007 blog "Getting old, never", of course we're badly resticted now due to our illness, only riding in really good weather.Just over three years ago we lost our best friend and Baby Mojo the border Collie, Gone but never forgotten. Please feel free to use any of our photo's but do let me know you have used them, thank you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Decisions decisions.

Hi, Long time no post lol. Well now its nearly time to change our Car (every 3 years) but what to have next??? There are certain things we need to consider when changing, like Engine size, Diesel/Petrol, MPG, Car overall size (Sue), Interior size, Seat Configurations,good looks (to us) and of course the big one PRICE. We thought we had made up our mind recently (a Mercedes Benz B Class) but prices changed and put paid to that.So we are trying to put together a top 10 list but again things change in the car world.
Here are the first few of our choices,
The Citroen Berlingo VTR+, 54 MPg loads of space, 112 BHP kinda cute looking too.
Here is Sue's favourite, the Chrysler Orlando 2.0 ltr, 48 MPG,Full flat floor, rear seats fold right down.Sensible price.

Here is the Volkswagon Touran. 1.6Ltr, 50+ MPG, plenty of room but seats dont fold flat.
Below. Then this one the Peugeot 5008, 1.6 ltr, 54 MPG, Fully folding rear seats, really full specification inc, Parking sensors, Sunroof, Air conditioning, etc.
Below. The Nissan Quashqui +2, this is one of my favourites, good price, 50+ MPG, Really nice interior, good specification, folding rear seats, 7 seater.

Now our current car The Citroen C4 grande Picasso VTR+. a really good all rounder which we have used and enjoyed. Only problem is we would like perhaps to have a change.

. The last one the Peugeot 1.6 Partner Teepee Outdoor, very similar to the small Citroen but slightly cheaper and not so well appointed.

 So all these cars work out at around the same prices except the Berlingo, which is a lot cheaper but not so great looking, we still haveabout 10 weeks before we have to order maybe we will add more to our shortlist before then.

Joke of the day.

Two patients limp into two different medical clinics with the same complaint. Both have trouble walking and appear to
require a hip replacement.
The FIRST patient is examined within the hour, is x-rayed the same day and has a time booked for surgery the following week.
The SECOND sees his family doctor after waiting 3 weeks for an appointment, then waits 8 weeks to see a specialist, then gets an x-ray, which isn't reviewed for another week and finally has his surgery scheduled for 6 months from then.
Why the different treatment for the two patients ?
The FIRST is a Golden Retriever.
The SECOND is a
Senior Citizen.
 Next time take me to a vet !


Blogger Gina E. said...

Good joke, very relevant these days! Gosh you must be doing alright to afford to change your car over every three previous car was 23 years old before I traded it in on my current one, which was already 3 years old when I got it. I hope to have it for another 10 years at least!

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