This is the part that I've not been looking forward to,but the wife insists that i do it.I'm not sure of the exact dates on any of these photo's, but I'll try to be as accurate as I can.
Top left taken when I was about three at a local photo studio,
Top right as a baby probably around 12-18 months old again at a studio.
Second row left, Summer on the lawn of "Rosemont" Hathaway Lane,About 7 years of age, oh those happy days.
Second row right,At about 12-18 months with the family faithfull friend Boscoe, he I remember slept under the table when he was in the house he lived to about 14 yrs.
Third row left, at Stratford" Mop Fair"aged about 11, I used to love these twice yearly fairs.They used to take over the whole town cente for the day,it was totally closed to traffic.The origin of these fairs was roughly this, workers in service,farm workers ,labourers even some craftsmen were usually employed yearly from Oct to Oct. At the end of their service with one employer they would go to this Fair/market(all dressed up) to try to gain new employment. Prospective employers came to view and interview them here, Non skilled labour was kept apart from skilled and was recognised by the carrying of a mop with head ,when they were employed they received a small token that was redeemable at the fair.So thats how they came to be called Mop Fairs. Seven days later came the "runaway mop"where workers unhappy with job or employer could come back to retry for other jobs.
Third row right,Me and mum at Butlins (Minehead)I'm about 5-6. I remember the Tannoy system I'd never heard one before, also Redcoats and sand dunes on the beach.A great holiday I did'nt stop talking about for weeks.
Fourth row left, A birthday(8th) party at my house, lots of sandwiches nibbles, fruit, jellies and Ice cream scrummy.
Fourth row right,A school portrait from my last year(I was 11) at Shottery C of E ,I remember I got told off because I forgot my tie, I had to run home and get one.
You were a typical little English boy. I went to school with kids who looked just like you! Somehow, Englishness seems to be an inherited trait that we can't get rid of, no matter where we live.
Do you know your Dad's birth date? If so, you might find out his date and location of death from the LDS US Social Security Death Index internet site.
ex-shammickite,i dont know my fathers birth date but I'm told Its possible to start a trace from his army number.As I said in blog I'm not to interested in tracing him as it would have been easy for him to find me,had he wanted to. Thanks for the visit and comment.
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