Last week our friends John and Pat from the midlands came back to stay at Mill park.During their last visit the weather was very poor so they were unable to visit lots of the places they had wanted to. The weather was fair for a couple of days during the week they stayed so Sue and I decided to do a couple of visits with them.The first place we decided to go to was "Watersmeet" on Exmoor, Sue and I have already done the walk here once, so we thought we would try the 2 mile walk along the river Lyn to Lynmouth. We have wanted to do this walk for a couple of years but had been concerned with my health about the distance involved.Two weeks ago I reached a loss of weight of 5 stones (7o lbs or 30+ kilos), with that and my Diabetes being under control also my breathing being fair we thought we would give it a go. Here I must also admit that I worked out that if i took my car to the bottom and dropped it there, then got John to pick me up in his car and take me to the start point of the walk it would be so much easier, we didn't have then to retrace our steps along the same path, or walk the nearly three miles back up the steep road (Cheat).
So here we are at (below) Watersmeet house, a National Trust managed shop and Tea room. This was originally built as a fishing/hunting lodge.We had walked down the path from the car park and decided to start the walk on the right bank looking down river which we did.

Below just a few hundred yards down the natural Gorge, this by the way is the deepest natural Gorge in Britain. Just a short while later we came to the first bridge and crossed to the opposite bank.

I should remember the name of these bridges (below) but I'm afraid I don't.

Below about half way now and parts of this walk are really stunning.

This was quite a suprise, set into the bank this old wooden plaque and to the right an old earthenware jar.Apparently here was the site of the Lynrock mineral water factory which although disused was completely destroyed in the tragic floods of 1952. If you click on the picture to enlarge it you can just about read it, and the writing on the jar (Ginger Beer).

Below another pretty view of the river, notice the path on the right.

Below, now we are getting close to Lynmouth and the end of the walk, which we all really enjoyed.

Below, the outskirts and the walk into the town and a welcome cuppa before we take the car back up.

That was the first of several walks we did with John and Pat, i'm sure one or two more will end up as blogs.
Joke of the day.
Last Name.
The manager of a large office noticed a new guy one day and told him to come into his office. "What's your name?" the manager asked.
"John," the new guy replied.
The manager scowled, "Look, I don't know what kind of a namby-pamby place you worked at before, but I don't call anyone by their first name. It breeds familiarity and that leads to a breakdown in authority. I refer to my employees by their last name only - Smith, Jones, Baker - that's all. I am to be referred to only as Mr. Robertson. Now that we got that straight, what is your last name?"
The new guy sighed and said, "Darling. My name is John Darling."
"Okay, John, the next thing I want to tell you is..."
Now, that's the kinda place I could live, and be happier. Beautiful, isn't it?
Thank you.
Hi Grumpy, thank you very much for adding me to your blogs i visit site, I'm very flattered.
Gday Bob. Congrats on the big weight loss. keep the good work up,you will soon reach your goal and maybe this will help your diabetics..
Ohh what beautiful walk along that stream so scenic.look forward to more pics....Jen
I've been to Watersmeet many times but never done the walk to Lynmouth. It looks beautiful.
But I remember the Lynmouth Flood Disaster very well. My mother was part of the WVS who helped out after the flood, and she took me there to see the ruined buildings and the cars full of rocks... it still sticks in my mind. I was about 7.
Hi Bob - There's a little award for you if you pop over to my blog.
Haven't been to Watersmeet for a long time but have fond memories from childhood!
Hi Sue, All, Firstly thank you Sue for the undeserved award, I have to say I'm suprised there are still a few of you that read my blogs even though they are very few and far between.As most of you know we only come home for one or two nights fortnightly and i try to fit in a blog each time i'm home, again thank you all.
Hi Sue, All, Firstly thank you Sue for the undeserved award, I have to say I'm suprised there are still a few of you that read my blogs even though they are very few and far between.As most of you know we only come home for one or two nights fortnightly and i try to fit in a blog each time i'm home, again thank you all.
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