Our Diet
To bring you up to date.
We (Sue and I) have been slowly losing weight now for around 5 years. My max weight was a staggering 23st 12lbs, Sue started at 12st 10lbs. Up until just before Christmas i was down to 17st 3ilbs and Sue at 10st 10lbs, which we were quite pleased with (so was my Dr) Over the festive season we both managed to put on around 6-7 lbs which has got to go again.
Our Diet over the last 9 months or so has been quite easy to stick to and was as follows.
Morning breakfast, No added Sugar Muesli with a little sweetner for me and Soya milk, with mashed Banana for Sue.(Occasionally Porridge)
Lunch/Dinner/midday meal - Consisted of Homemade Soup and a slice of Multigrain Bread, followed by a piece of Fruit
Evening meal was/is any meal that was reasonably low in fat with lots of Vegeatables when possible.For a change a Salad or Homemade Chicken Curriy and Basmati Rice.
Sugar free Jelly with added Fruit, or Milk Pudding with Sweetner and Skimmed Milk, or Stewed Fruit ie Apple, Rhubarb, Plums etc with Sweetner and Low Fat/Sugar fake Cream, or Low Fat, no added Sugar Yogurt (Irish)
Some evenings we would succumb to a couple of Multigrain Ryvita's with Cows Extra light cheese spread.
This diet was on a alternative day menu which was all soup mid and evening one day then back to the above on the next. Any extra's were as low Fat as poss, which included the Alternative frying oil Flora Quisine (very low in Saturates) low fat Marge, Decafe Tea,No Sugar etc.
Tomato Soup recipe
1 to1.5 lb (500gr to ikg) large ripe Tomatoes sliced
3 Large Onions, finely chopped,
1/2 a Red Pepper (we prefer the sweet type) chopped.
3-4 cloves of Garlic chopped.
approx 1 tbsp Flora Quisine
4 (Tesco) Tomato Pasata's (32p ish)
I low salt Chicken Oxo cube
2 " " " " Vegeatable " "
1X 3" to 4" inch long piece of Tomato Pure (from tube)
1 Lge (Old) Potato chopped roughly
4-6 button Mushrooms, roughly chopped..
Salt & Pepper to taste (you could add a few Herbs if liked)
We add a pkt Tesco Alpro Soya single Cream (250gr) you could add full Cream Milk or Cream.
Add Water to thickness required
You will need a Lge pan here (ours in 3 Litre)
Place Onion and Garlic in a pan with the Flora, fry until soft and going clear. Add the Pepper fry for a further 3-4 mins. Add all the other ingredients and bring to the boil, then simmer for 30 40 mins until all are tender finally adding Soya milk or Substitite.
Put everthing into a Blender a little at a time, serve and enjoy. this will probably make enough for 6-8 people.
We put 2 person portions into plastic containers and Freeze them for future use.
Joke of the day.
It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back. He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down, stopping just over her stomach.
He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, working down her side, passing gently over her buttock and down her leg to her calf.
Then, he proceeded up her thigh, stopping just at the uppermost portion of her leg. He continued in the same manner on her right side, then suddenly stopped, rolled over and became silent.
As she had become quite aroused by this caressing, she asked in a loving voice, 'Honey, that was wonderful. Why did you stop?'
To which he responded: 'I found the remote.'
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Obat Tradisional Ambeien Dijual di Apotik Ketika anda mengejan terlalu kesar pembuluh darah disekitar bibir anus dapat menjadi bengkak. Selain itu duduk terlalu lama juga meningkatkan risiko seseorang terkena penyakit ini. Mengangkat beban berat juga berisiko meningkatkan kemungkinan anda terkena wasir. Selain beberapa diatas aktivitas seksual juga dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan seseorang terkena penyakit ini. http://herbaldenature321.blogspot.com/2016/01/obat-tradisional-ambeien-dijual-di.html , Cari Obat Untuk Menyembuhkan Ambeien Yang Sudah Parah Berenda selama lima belas menit dalam air hangat bisa menghambat pembengkakan rektrum. Setelah itu, Anda bisa mengoleskan krim/ minyak hemoroid (misalnya anusol) di sekitar rektrum untuk mengurangi rasa sakit dan iritasi yang mungkin timbul. Kemudian, konsumsilah makanan yang mengandung banyak serat dan air agar buang air besar menjadi lebih lancar sehingga tidak perlu mengejan berlebihan. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan obat ambeien yang ampuh disini. http://caraherbal321.blogspot.com/2016/01/cari-obat-untuk-menyembuhkan-ambeien.html | Kumpulan Obat Salep Ambeien Dijual di Apotik Membesarnya pembuluh darah pada sekitar daerah anus ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor sebagai berikut: terlalu banyak duduk, hubungan seksual yang tidak wajar, faktor keturunan, sembelit menahun, diare menahun, faktor perubahan hormone pada saat hamil, http://herbal234.sosblogs.com/The-first-blog-b1/Kumpulan-Obat-Salep-Ambeien-Dijual-di-Apotik-b1-p497.htm , Tips Ampuh Menyembuhkan Wasir Berdarah Tanpa Operasi Selain harus menghindari beberapa pantangan makanan untuk penderita ambeient, ia juga harus tekun berobat seperti berobat dengan menggunakan obat herbal rekomendasi para dokter agar ambeient tidak semakin parah. Selain tidak akan menimbulkan efek samping, http://herbal234.pbworks.com/w/page/104572762/Tips%20Ampuh%20Menyembuhkan%20Wasir%20Berdarah%20Tanpa%20Operasi | Jual Obat Ambeien Alternatif Paling Manjur Namun jika menghindari saja tidak cukup dan anda masih saja mengalami ambeien, anda sebaiknya segera minum obat ambeien untuk mengatasi ambeien anda agar anda bisa menikmati masa kehamilan anda dengan tenang. Wanita hamil biasanya harus dengan cermat memeriksa obat yang diminum. Obat ambeien yang dijual disini terbuat dari bahan alami dan aman dikonsumsi oleh wanita hamil sehingga tidak akan membahayakan janin dan sang calon ibu. http://denature201.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-122.html , Resep Obat Herbal Ambeien Luar Wasir bisa disebabkan oleh banyak hal misalnya salah gerakan dalam olahraga pernapasan atau angkat beban. Wasir juga bisa disebabkan jika anda sering terlalu lama duduk ataupun berdiri. Saat anda duduk terlalu lama, vena rektum anda akan tertekan lama sehingga dapat menyebabkan wasir. http://sehatselalu003.livejournal.com/10638.html
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