Above and below are pictures of a wild flower a type of Campanula( I think). These grow wild in tiny holes in walls, rockeries etc all over Devon and Cornwall.

The first picture here is of, in the foreground a 5-6 year old "Bountiful"standard, behind is an ex shop rail that I use to bring on up to five baskets at a time. The three on the rail at the moment are last years, they are, the first two "Harry Gray"one of my favourite basket types,then in the corner a "Wild and Beautiful". The second picture shows close ups of the last two.

These pics are of first a few last years not so good standards in varying sizes and condition(I use these for cuttings) and a few odd parent plants. The second is of cuttings taken some a week ago the rest about 6wks ago, they are in my homemade cold frame.

These two pictures are, first of about twelve cuttings that I took back in early march that are doing really well, the second is of a few plants that I'm training into standards most will need to go into next year to be full size.

These three pictures are first a two year old "Tennesse Waltz" which you can see has made a great pedestal planter plant. Next is the same plant alongside a lge concrete vase with a three year old "Susan"in. Lastly a mixed planter only planted four weeks ago.

These are pictures of my garden as it is today, we have lots of Fuchsias (53 varieties) obviously but also Tomatoes, (three varieties) potatoes in giant pots,Marigolds French and African, Allysum, Lobelia (three colours), Busy Lizzies (Impatiens) in four colours, even a few Lilies and Geraniums.