Paignton Bike Festival.
Sue is doing really well with her Hip now, its 7 weeks since the Op and she is now without sticks, except on rough ground, or very long walks where she finds one a confidence booster. As far as the Arm is concerned we will know more in a fortnight when it is re X rayed, fingers crossed. My Diabetes, blood pressure, Cholesterol, COPD etc is all under control......... but.... MY HIP has now started playing up, so getting pain now. I am hoping to make it through the summer, for mainly bike riding, especially when you take into account the fact that the bikes have cost us over £650 to put them back on the road for the short Summer. This includes Tax, Insurance, MOT's, repairs, storage, etc, not cheap.
So to todays main blog, the Annual "Paignton Bike Festival". This takes place on the whole length of the promenade. It is only open to Motorcycles for the whole 3 days. As well as the sea front, also the adjacent green is used for trade and club stands. Organisers expect at least 750 bikes daily to be parked here (best last year well over 1,000).
This year the Live group that play annually in the Marque were "Goliath"a really good popular local (on the heavy side) group.
While there we met up with quite a good crowd of our S W region Honda CX-GL motorcycle club members. The weather on the day was a little inclement (nice words) to say the least which kept bike visitors down, hardly any real classics bikes.
The next two pictures were taken from the Pier which is midway along Paigntons long Seafront.
Looking Left.

Below, A group of our club members.

Joke of the day.
This is mythical, deep and. truly beautiful...
A man visiting an Indian reservation asked an important looking Indian what was his wife's name?
He replied, "She called Five Horses".
The man said, "That's an unusual name for your wife.
What does it mean?"
The Old Indian answered, "It old Indian Name. It mean . . .
. . . NAG, NAG, NAG, NAG, NAG,"