MY HOBBY Fuchsias Part 1.

This might be of assistance to anyone with a fancy for Fuchsias. Before I start I must make it clear I'm no expert on the subject just someone's trials and observations on 35-40 yrs of growing them. I'm quite sure a real expert will disagree with some things I say, if thats the case So be it.
When Picking out your own Fuchsias here are a few things to think about, Firstly do you need them to be hardy, again hardy in Devon in not hardy in most of Scotland and the North. But as a general rule hardies tend to be smaller flowered but bigger plants, as they are in a permanent position. Pick your varieties (if you want to keep them outside) carefully. Next Question is possibly what type of,or size of, or colour of flowers do you like?. Probably the most differently shaped ones you will come across are the long tubed Triphylla type there are lots of other long tubed species but this is the most common I see. Thalia is possibly the best known.As well as flower shape and colour you also have foliage colour and shape, also the habit of the variety chosen ie trailing for tubs, baskets and bush types for borders ,pots and containers.The list is endless I did not start out to confuse anyone so if there is anything here your not sure of so far, my E-Mail address is in my profile. Here are a few photo's. One is of the long tube Thalia, the other of the beautiful variegated leaved "Golden Marinka".